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Welcome to B.L.A.Q.
How do you distinguish a black woman from a black lady? You turn 50!
Before that I was a black woman. Before that a teenager. And before that a black baby. As a black baby I didn’t have much to say. Because it as impossible for my brain and body to work together. When I wanted something I just cried. Just like a white woman. As a child I didn’t speak a full sentence until about 7. Not because I couldn’t. I decided it was pointless trying to compete with 6 other loudmouths known as my family. I chose to keep my own counsel.
As a young teen I was split in two. I was athletic (still am), energetic, an extrovert (still am). The other half? Unbelievably pissed off! Maybe it was the hormones. Or maybe, just maybe it was because my mom gave me the most unforgivable and unforgettable graduation present. She kicked me out of the house. So considerate of her to do it at the beginning of the summer, wasn’t it? I see the same anger in the young idealists involved in all sorts of “woke” activism.
Unlike losing my virginity this venture is ALL mine. No kicking or screaming which is really hard to do when there’s a 200 pound man straddling your body with a pillow over your face. This is my first time doing this sort of thing with my eyes WIDE open. I think I might enjoy it. Hopefully you will as well. It has become obvious to me (am I the only one) that there are too many talking heads who are saying very little. But claim to know almost everything. In reality they don’t know much. T, because they know know how to read (off a script). I feel I know a lot about a lot because I’m OLD. It’s been written and universally accepted (mostly) that it takes about 10 years or ten thousand hours to be an “expert”. So I’m an expert in sex, race relations,marriage, childcare, fitness and my favorite stand-up comedy. Most people get their information from type of scree. How great would it be if I could talk but you couldn’t answer. What’s missing is the ART of the conversation. And it it an art not an attack. How can that happen when everyone’s yelling? Everyone wants to be seen, heard and taken seriously. Unless you’re at a comedy show. Louder doesn’t mean more correct, does it. It does if you’re under 40. To be louder just mean you’ve been getting your way for way, way too long. And you’re probably an asshole. Here’s your trophy! I believe that most people are polite, reasonable and naturally curious. Information in the hands of the few is dangerous and currently the state of the nation we find ourselves in. I want to change that by asking questions. Don’t you want to as well?

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